We’re hiring! Our workforce is expanding to provide the best service possible to our clients — get in touch today to become part of the crew.

Our culture fuels your success.

We’re a company that fosters a culture of engagement, collaboration, and achievement. We are serious, humble, and goal oriented. We are no hero and no loser but we always complete what are required of us, and above all, we do things right the first time. If you are that type of people, come and see us. We will succeed together.

What makes working at Cao-Dac great.

We provide you with the standard fringe benefits so that you can rest your mind to devote your energy to advance your career. We will team with you to get the work done to satisfy our customers  This way, you will succeed with us. 

Promoting Everyday Equality.

As a citizen of this great nation, we believe in supporting equality every day. We’re proud to be an equal-opportunities employer with a diverse workforce. One of our core values is to encourage education and upskilling throughout our team — helping those around us to be the best in the industry.